1. Q2i Logo and Fonts


Century Gothic


Nassau Orange - RGB 255, 102,0

Royal Blue – RGB 0,32,96

Imperial Purple – RGB 112 48 160

  1. Q2i Strapline

Blockchain Agnostic Transactions; Monetised.

  1. Q2i Media

Web – www.q2igroup.com 

Telegram Channel - Q2i - Blockchain Agnostic

  1. Q2i – 100-word Description


Q2i monetises complex data transactions on blockchain networks. 

The Q2i architecture is blockchain agnostic so provides blockchain interoperability between multiple counterparties in any transaction.

Q2i’s platform enables secure and permissioned data transfer while optimising the data load on any blockchain to protect IP and manage the operational risk in commercial deployments.

Q2i has application in a wide range of business sectors from IoT [Smart meters] in energy markets to Media utility pricing in file streaming.

Q2i has a particular strength in financial services and initial implementations are delivering the core blockchain architecture for banks to optimise AML/KYC and fees and commission transactions.

Q2i monetises complex data transactions on blockchain networks. 

The Q2i architecture is blockchain agnostic so provides blockchain interoperability between multiple counterparties in any transaction.

Q2i primary product enables secure and permissioned data transfer while optimising the data load on any blockchain to protect IP AND manage the operational risk in commercial deployments.

Q2i has application in a wide range of business sectors from IoT in energy markets to Media utility pricing in streaming.

Q2i has a particular strength in financial services and initial implementations are delivering the core blockchain architecture for banks to resolve AML/KYC and fees and commission transactions.